Friday, October 15, 2010

Assignment Six - Camera Shots

Close Up. A close up shot is a camera shot that is designed to bring you close into the character. It shows you important details, what you need to know about the situation, and shows you the emotion the character feels.

These scenes in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in the Department of Mysteries, Harry and his fellow DA members have just been captured by the Death Eaters. Then Serious Harry’s God father shows up followed along by the rest of the Order of the Phoenix. They put up a noble fight, and then Bellatrix kills Serious. Lupin holds Harry Potter after Serious falls through the veil. The director choose to do a close up on each of the Order members as the entered the room to show what they were feeling and show the determination in their faces. Then later after Serious died the director did a close up on Harry’s face to show the terminal he was going through.  

This next shot is called a Long Shot the purpose of the long shot is an orientation shot that helps you to learn about the space and look at new things. This mostly used to indicate a sad shot.

This scene in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is where the Dementors swarm Harry and Serious and Harry saves them.   This shows a long shot because it shows how powerless they are in this situation.
General to Specific shot is where the camera starts out from a distance and looks all around the room showing us the new place.

In this scene Snape walks into the Defense against the Dark Arts class when Lupin was sick during the full moon to teach the class. The camera shot here shows Snape walking into the room for the first time and we get to see the room in its entirety and all the changes he made to the room

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