Technology changes though out history have shaped and molded the radio form the start into how we know radio today, from the automation of radio to satellites, to FM and everything in between. Changes in technology have been the most important driving factor in the evolution on radio, and the shape it now takes in the world today.
Technology has always in a driving force in our history. We see it over and over, a great example of how a technology changes the world we talked about in class is Gutenberg’s printing press, the printing press lead to a wider spread of communication and much more. The radio has been shaped and changed much the same way, becoming a force that changes our society. Radio was invented by private investors who operated it with a single person on each end. It helped save many lives when the Titanic sank. During the war the radio was given to the Navy where technology improvements were forced upon the radio technology, after the war the technology enabled radio to be wireless radio and not from an operator. The FM crave came around where technology now permitted up to 20 stations in many cities. Technology of the TV had taken over many of radio’s show so they now needed a new idea. With that came the AM stations or “Talk Radio” and two channel stereos.
The force of the radio effected the evolution of the US radio system greatly and many times. One great example we talked about in class was the era of DJ’s. TV had come in and taken over many of the radio shows that people were used to putting on so the concept of DJ’s came around when people wanted to focus more on the music. The satellite technology made it easy for DJ’s to broadcast and even buy a DJ from somewhere else and have their shows broadcasted to the local area. The force worked generally in the shaping and changing of radio, introducing shock jock, Talk Radio, morning shows, music, and much more.